Man tror det måske ikke, men det ER faktisk muligt at få gæster via altanen på 5 sal i hjertet af København!
Snapshot fra sygesengen :) |
Det er også muligt at iagtage andre mennesker - hvilket jeg jo elsker - helt uden at de ved det........nabo bygningen er ved at få nye vinduer og håndværkerne er i fuld gang
Ingen vinduer - jeg hepper på solskin! |
7 kommentarer:
Nice view :-)
Ja ikk! Det er her at jeg savner "Like" knappen fra Facebook :)
Some of your other photos would definitely get a "Like" from me then :-)
Now what pictures would that be then?
I think I soberet up just fine in here!
Well sure you have, no naughty stuff to be found at all? :-) I just like your photo-documentary style.
Define "naughty" and I'll define if there's any likeable pictures in here!
You like to be on top, don't you? Setting the pace! :-)
Your snapshots goes well with your texts, it makes them a much more interesting read. Maybe you could allso photo document your more erotic endeauvors? That would be a nice addition to your blog.
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